




With 20 years of recruitment experience in Japan we understand deeply the unique challenges and opportunities this market offers. We ask the right qualifying questions, listen more than we speak, and make introductions based on various match-points, not just what is written on the CV or job description.




We work as a team, all in, every time. With clearly defined scope, deliverables and submission dates and careful weekly check-ins and feedback, we are on top of the projects customers entrust to us. Whether a long term, short term or spot contract, our effort and superior after-care is the same.




The work supporting customers and staff our temporary staffing starts on day one and finishes only when everyone is satisfied with the completion of the assignment or the full-time conversion of the contracted professional. Our completely bi-lingual back-office infrastructure is strong and we work directly with various multinational firms.

人材派遣 お客様のニーズにお応えできる、最適な人材をご紹介します。


Employment of Record (EOR) and Global Employment Outsourcing (GEO) Services in Japan: Seamless Payroll and Workforce Management / 日本におけるエンプロイメント・オブ・レコード(EOR)およびグローバル雇用アウトソーシング(GEO)サービス:シームレスな給与および労働力管理

Are you looking to manage employees in Japan without the hassle of establishing a legal entity? Smart Partners KK offers expert Employment of Record (EOR) and Global Employment Outsourcing (GEO) services, providing a compliant and efficient solution to handle payroll and workforce management in Japan.


Why Choose Smart Partners KK for EOR, GEO, and Payroll Services in Japan? / なぜ日本でのEOR、GEO、および給与サービスにスマートパートナーズ株式会社を選ぶべきなのか?

Businessman managing payroll and workforce operations in Japan

Expertise in Japan's Employment Regulations / 日本の雇用規制に関する専門知識

Smart Partners KK has nearly 18 years of experience navigating Japan’s strict employment regulations. Our team, which includes a certified labor consultant, a certified tax accountant, and a lawyer specializing in labor issues, ensures your business remains fully compliant while operating in Japan.


Certified labor consultant providing expert advice on Japan's employment regulations

Licensed and Trusted Partner / 人材派遣

As a fully licensed temporary staffing provider, Smart Partners KK is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of service. With nearly two decades of experience, we have a proven track record of supporting organizations—both large multinationals and SMEs—in managing their workforce in Japan.


Reliable partner managing temporary staffing services in Japan

Fluent in Japanese Business Culture / 日本のビジネス文化に精通

Smart Partners KK’s bilingual team bridges the gap between your global operations and the Japanese market. We understand the cultural nuances and legal requirements, ensuring smooth communication and compliance for your business in Japan.


Bilingual team working in an office, bridging global operations and Japanese business culture

Contractor Care and Payroll Management /

At Smart Partners KK, we treat all contractors with the utmost care, offering regular follow-ups and comprehensive support. Our payroll management services cover everything from salary payments to tax compliance, ensuring your employees are paid accurately and on time.


Business team handling payroll management and contractor care in Japan

Flexibility to Match Your Global Benefits Program / グローバルな福利厚生プログラムに対応する柔軟性

Smart Partners KK understands the importance of consistency across your global operations. We offer the flexibility to help your company match the benefits programs set at your headquarters, such as 20 days paid vacation, sales bonuses, housing allowances, and more. This ensures that your employees in Japan receive the same level of support and benefits as your global team.

スマートパートナーズ株式会社 は、グローバルな事業運営における一貫性の重要性を理解しています。当社は、本社で設定された福利厚生プログラムに一致する柔軟性を提供します。例えば、20日の有給休暇、営業ボーナス、住宅手当など、日本の従業員がグローバルチームと同じレベルのサポートと福利厚生を受けられるようにします。

Team providing flexible support for global benefits programs, ensuring consistency for employees in Japan

Comprehensive EOR and GEO Services in Japan /日本での包括的なEORとGEOサービス

Smart Partners KK specializes in providing Employment of Record (EOR) and Global Employment Outsourcing (GEO) services to companies without a legal entity in Japan. Our services include:

  • Payroll Management: Ensuring accurate and timely salary payments.
  • Compliance Assurance: Adhering to Japan’s complex labor laws and regulations.
  • Employee Benefits: Managing employee benefits in line with Japanese standards.
  • Ongoing Support: Providing continuous support for your employees throughout their contract period.


  • 給与管理:正確かつタイムリーな給与支払いの確保。
  • コンプライアンス保証:日本の複雑な労働法と規制の遵守。
  • 従業員の福利厚生:日本の基準に沿った福利厚生の管理。
  • 継続的なサポート:契約期間中、従業員に対して継続的なサポートを提供。

Secure Your Workforce in Japan with Smart Partners KK / スマートパートナーズ株式会社で日本の労働力を守りましょう

Let Smart Partners KK be your trusted employment partner in Japan. Our expert EOR and GEO services provide a compliant and hassle-free solution to manage your workforce, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

Contact Smart Partners KK today to learn more about our Employment of Record (EOR), Global Employment Outsourcing (GEO), and payroll management services in Japan.




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